Tech Tip – Defect Menu

The AGT400 Defect Menu is an extremely user-friendly window that can be set up to display and track up to 25 defects you may encounter during the course of production. Completely customizable, the Defect Menu can be used to track the defects most common to your specific business.
When a defect was spotted by personnel on the line during the course of a coil run, the old way to log defects was to write them down by hand, which was slow and cumbersome. In addition to slowing down the operation, there was the added problem of keeping track of additional paperwork. Using the AGT400 Defect Menu, simply check the box for a particular defect, and the gauge will start counting footage at that point. Once the defect has passed, uncheck the box to disable the defect, and the gauge will stop counting footage. Then, once the coil is finished, the logged defects will print out on your Coil Report.
Additionally, the AGT400 Defect Menu can track multiple defects simultaneously. If the operator sees multiple defects he will simply check the boxes for all of the defects that apply.

Making changes to the Defect Menu couldn’t be easier. Whether a defect is being added, removed, or renamed, a few simple clicks of the mouse will keep your menu completely customized.
For those familiar with Coil Mapping, the process of tracking your defects gets even easier. With Coil Mapping, our hand-held defect tracking device, the user will simply press a few buttons on the coil mapping keypad to perform the same functions used in the Defect Menu.
10 Year Startup Anniversary!
It’s hard to believe, but it has been ten years since the first AGT400 startup was completed by Ron Cook at Seymour Tubing in Seymour, Indiana. The AGT400 has gone through many evolutionary changes since that time as we kept up to date on all of the latest hardware and software available. Additionally, the way that startups are performed has really changed as well. The early gauges were actually shipped in several containers back in those days and reassembled on-site! Nothing like looking for a printer that got lost in shipment! Needless to say, we have learned a lot through the years, and after installing more than 165 gauges, we now believe we have it down to a fine art..
Software Update
Starting in June, our field service engineers began installing the latest AGT400 software on our gauges. Just as in the past software upgrades, most of what we do are behind the scenes improvements and will never be noticed by our customers, but there are a few things we would like to point out that the users may notice.
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- The AGT400 screens have been enlarged to run in 800×600 screen resolutions. This will allow for a crisper appearance as well as improved touch screen utilization.
- Added logic that will allow for the touch screen to recover from screen minimization.
- Offline Data Analysis improvements include the expansion of the .pdf output to include defects and comments, as well as removing some unnecessary pages.
- Minor corrections with the Spanish language to visually clean up the screen.
- Comment function improvements including the ability to add quotation marks and improved printing in order to save paper.
- A new security feature to allow for a USB security dongle.
- Perhaps our biggest changes have come on the Diagnostic Data screen. The first improvement comes to the upgrades of Loral/Weston/DMC measuring heads. We have removed all of the non-used items to allow for easier future troubleshooting. The second improvement is for all of our AGT400’s. The Print Screen button has been replaced with a Print Data button. The Print Data button will print all of the important data from your AGT400, which, when emailed or faxed to us, will allow us to better help in the free telephone troubleshooting that we offer.